Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How to warm up before playing basketball?

Maybe it's that I'm eating 30 minutes before I go out, but what I usually do is stretch and run 2 laps at a moderate pace around a soccer field. At the end of it my stomach begins to cramp, I usually pay it no mind and go on to the basketball court.

I start my basketball routine but it seems as if my legs are just out of it when I shoot, should I jog one lap instead of two? I pace myself, take breaks but my legs are dead.

Any advice?How to warm up before playing basketball?
Do a lap or two around the court, stretch really good so you're loosened up, don't drink too much gatorade, listen to a really good and fast paced song, and get your mind ready. Its all about your mentality.Try not to goof off to much before a game and dont over-do your excersize routine. You need all your energy.
It is better if you sweat yourself first before stretching. So, you should do some jumping jacks or run a slow-paced jog that will make you sweat. Do not do strenuous drills to sweat though since you have not begin to sweat yet. When you feel your body gets warmer, then that is when you start to stretch.How to warm up before playing basketball?
Stretch your legs and dont eat too soon before a game, be hydrated
same as any sportHow to warm up before playing basketball?
try eating an hour or two before , so you have time to digest ..

don't run so far , your tiring yourself out before you even get started.

I would suggest stretching,, w/ arms up in the air, bend to each side,

a light workout on a universal, light weights, one set of reps,at each station,

get yourself pumped up but don't go overboard...

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