Wednesday, January 11, 2012

What questions do I ask when interviewing a new varsity basketball coach?

I have been selected to be on a committee to help hire a new boys varsity head basketball coach. I would like some suggestions on what questions to ask so that we can recommend the best candidate to our school board. Is there a web site out there some where that would help me with this? Any help you have would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.What questions do I ask when interviewing a new varsity basketball coach?
The previous responders have given good ideas, but I would rephrase the questions. For example, rather than asking if they can adjust to their players (of course everyone will say yes), ask them for an example of how they have adjusted their leadership style or motivation in previous positions. I'd ask what kind of adversity they'd faced as a leader and what they did about that. I'd even accept answers outside of coaching. The point is to ask questions that force the applicant to prove his experience, not just allow them to claim they have it.

I'd ask broad questions like "What do you want the players to learn by season's end? How will you make sure they learn that?"

Finally, I'd ask why they'd want to coach. If the answer sounds like they'd like to use you as a stepping stone for colleges (and fame), I'd drop them immediately. If the answer is, say, "I had a coach in high school who made me a better person and I'd like to do the same here," that's someone I'd strongly consider.

Hope that helps.
How would they adjust their methods varying on the different personalities of each player?

What are their methods of getting the best out of a player? For example: Some players need to hear good things, Some can't be told their doing great because they'll start slacking, Some players fold at the slightest criticism and don't play to potential.

Why would you want to take on something that needs a lot of attention such as a varsity basketball team?

Do you have a family that would be affected by this job because many coaches end up resigning early for family reasons?

Were you a basketball player yourself?

How would you handle a very talented player with a big ego that's a bad locker room presence?What questions do I ask when interviewing a new varsity basketball coach?
you can ask basic questions like

"where else have you coached?"

"how long have you've been coaching?"

"why do you think you would be a Great coach?"

"what would you contribute for our team?"

"In 5 words describe how you would lead our team to victory?"
can you shoot a 3 pointer?..hows your free throw shooting? you eat candy before the game?...

no but would you react to your team in a blowout? would you encourage them? you have any pre-game rituals?..what professional coaches do you idolize?...if you could pick one nba player today to play on you team who would it be??What questions do I ask when interviewing a new varsity basketball coach?
so how much members are in your team?

what special qualities your team have?

are you busy with a job like that?

do you like being a basketball coach?

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